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2 Ways To Bypass Windows 11 System Requirements

If your PC cannot meet the system requirements of Windows 11, there are two things you can do to bypass the system requirements and install Wndows 11

On October 5th, 2021, the Windows 11 official version was released. System requirements are still controversial, however, you can still bypass Windows 11 system requirements based on your current hardware configuration and components, especially secure Boot, TPM 2.0, and CPU so that you can successfully install Windows 11 on an unsupported PC.

If your PC cannot meet the system requirements of Windows 11, there are two different ways you can bypass the system requirements and install Windows 11 for free.

However, you should note that installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware can have a bad influence on the system's performance. Some system issues like a blank screen, green screen, etc. Just pay attention to this point.

If you still want to install Windows 11 for your unsupported PC, follow these two ways to bypass Windows 11 system requirements.

1. Use Rufus To Create Windows 11 Installation Drive

You can create Windows 11 bootable USB for unsupported PCs if you want to perform a clean installation.
  1. Download Windows 11
  2. Download Rufus from here
  3. After you are done with the downloads (remember where you saved your Windows 11 iso image), open Rufus (an excellent burning tool)
  4. Connect your USB drive to the computer
  5. On Rufus, click on Select and choose the Windows 11 iso file you downloaded
  6. Click on the image option and select Extended Windows 11 Installation (No TPM, no Secure Boot/8B-RAM)
  7. Click on the start button to begin creating Windows 11 installation.

2. Bypass Windows 11 System Requirements By Modifying Windows Registry

To our surprise, Microsoft offers a simple way to bypass Windows 11 system requirements to TPM 2.0 and CPU model. Microsoft mentions that "you can edit Windows Registry to let the PC meet the minimum system requirements.

But you should note that TPM 1.2 is at least required, or else, you are not eligible to install Windows 11 on unsupported PCs.

Before modifying the Windows Registry, you should back up registry keys since mistaken operations may lead to serious problems that may require you to reinstall the operating system.

Follow these steps:

  1.  Type regedit in the search box and click the result to open Registry Editor.

  2.  Go to this path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup.

  3.  Right-click an empty area and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

    Name this new item as AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU.

  4. Double-click this entry and set its value data to 1. Click OK to save the change.

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