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How to Renew Your NHIS Membership


The Government of Ghana has successfully deployed the NHIS mobile Renewal Service in all districts across the country  to allow members to Renew their membership without any hassle.

The Mobile Renewal Service takes away the time wasting periods and other inconveniences at the NHIS district offices when going for renewal.

You can access it from any phone network for free.

Steps to Renew Your NHIS Membership Card

1. Dial *929# .

Renewal step

2. Select option 2.

Renewal step

3. Select NHIS Card.

Renewal step

4. Enter the 8 digit Membership number found on your Card.

Renewal step

5. Confirm your 8 digit Membership number.

Renewal step

Follow the instructions for payment.

6. On the next pop-up, click on continue to pay. 

7. Make sure you have enough wallet balance and click on proceed.

Renewal step

Follow the next instruction to confirm payment. The membership card will be renewed after a successful payment.


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  1. Very insightful
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